"Too Young" is the name for the fifth episode of the third season of the American animated television series ''Adventure Time''. The episode was written and storyboarded by Jesse Moynihan and Tom Herpich, from a story by Mark Banker, Kent Osborne, Patrick McHale, and series creator Pendleton Ward. It originally aired on Cartoon Network on August 8, 2011. The series follows the adventures of Finn (voiced by Jeremy Shada), a human boy, and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake (voiced by John DiMaggio), a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. In this episode, the Earl of Lemongrab (voiced by Justin Roiland) finds out that Princess Bubblegum (voiced by Isabella Acres as a young girl, and by Hynden Walch as an adult) has reverted to being only 13 years old and tries to usurp the Candy Kingdom throne. Finn tries to use pranks to coerce him into leaving. Princess Bubblegum eventually makes herself 18 again so she can re-claim the throne. "Too Young" was the first of only three episode of the series to have been boarded by Moynihan and Herpich. The episode introduced the character of Lemongrab, who would go on to reappear in many other episodes. The episode was watched by 2.089 million people and received largely positive critical reviews. It was later nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Short-format Animated Program in 2012, although the episode did not win. ==Plot== At the Candy Kingdom, Finn and a young Princess Bubblegum (voiced by Isabella Acres) are spending the day together. Finn on advice from Jake, tries to woo the princess. However, because Bubblegum is now to young to be legal ruler of the kingdom, her first creation, the Earl of Lemongrab (voiced by Justin Roiland), usurps the throne. Lemongrab is loud, abrasive, and tyrannical, and threatens to send people to the kingdom's dungeons for the slightest infraction. Bubblegum and Finn decide to prank him until he leaves. This culminates in them poisoning his food with the equivalent of hot sauce; however, he discovers their ruse and sends them both to the dungeon. In the dungeon, Bubblegum realizes that she needs to return to her 18-year-old self, but she lacks the "candy biomass" necessary to do this. Her loyal citizens then sacrifice pieces of themselves, sticking them to her body. However, a catalyst is required: the heat from a "whopping love hug", which Finn provides. Bubblegum reverts to her original form, fires Lemongrab, and sets the kingdom straight. However, she scorns Finn's advances now that she is older. Jake, via the telephone, comforts Finn, telling him that the key to success is to be persistent and dedicated. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Too Young (Adventure Time)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク